Thursday 21 August 2014

Festival of the Horns, Italy

Festa del Cornuto is the Ilatian words for the Festival of the Horns which this festival is celebrated for anyone who has been cheated on in a relationship. It takes place in November in the town of Roca Canterano near Rome, Italy. The Cornutos march through the streets wearing a helmet with horns, sometimes crying and smashing up cd's or other objects that symbolize their failed relationship.

In Italian culture, the horns represent a man who has been cheated on. The association is said to date back the Roman Empire. Many warriors left for battle for extended periods of time. Upon their return, they were given a pair of horns as a gift. However, when they returned to their homes, they often found their wives had left them for other men. So, the term "cornuto" began to refer to man who has been cheated on. 

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