Thursday 21 August 2014

The Night of the Radishes, Spain

The Night of the Radishes or in Spanish Noche de rabanos is celebrated every year on December 23 and it began in 1897 in the "zocalo" of Oaxaca city. Although it lasts only few hours, it attracts thousands of people to this plaza each year. This festival is one the most impressive vegetable festivals around the world. Mexican craftsmen carve giant root vegetables into human figures and other vivid forms. 

Two craftsmen are carving the big radish

The events consists of an exhibition of sculptures made from large red radish which can weigh up to weigh up to 3 kilograms and attain lengths up to 50 centimetres. These radishes are especially grown for this event, left in the ground for months after the normal harvests to let them attain giant size and unusual shapes. A contest is held with the first-prize winner getting their picture in the newspaper.
Variety of techniques are employed to create these folk art masterpieces. But whatever the approach is, the crowd love the exhibition. Popping flashbulbs punctuate the proceedings as cries of amazement ripple through the onlookers when a particularly inventive display is encountered. 

The examples of carved red radishes.

Enjoy the video of  The Night of the Radishes in Spain :)

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